Emergency Tree Removal

How do you know when to hire a tree removal company?

These are one of the many questions a homeowner may ask themselves when maintaining their property and questioning the potential danger from large pines in their backyard falling on their home.

The best time to hire a tree service company is before the tree becomes an immediate problem and before extensive damage is done to your home & property from a bad storm.

Factors that contribute to property damage from trees

There are are actually 3 factors that contribute to a tree being a risk to a property and to people:

  • 1)  When there is potential for failure to part of or the whole of the tree.  Is part of the tree leaning to one side?
  • 2) Exposure of the large limbs to wind, storms, lighting, and rain.  Are your branches swaying back and forth from gusting winds?
  • 3) Is there a target for the tree to damage if it falls?  Is the tree in line with landing on part of your home?

If you are concerned about any of these factors, it’s important that you think about hiring a professional who can access the situation and consult with you about the potential for damage from the next big storm.  A reputable tree removal company will send a tree professional to your home to view the area and do a visual evaluation of your home as well as an assessment of the vegetation around the home.

While you consult with the tree professional, you should take this time to ask any questions that you may have of the tree removal process. An honest tree service company will give you a clear and concise explanation of how they work and provide a written estimate.

Hiring a tree service company after the damage from a storm is done leaves you as the homeowner, vulnerable to tree service companies who suddenly pop up during a storm and take advantage of your situation. As a side note, make sure the company you hire is licensed and insured, has customer referrals, and provides proper safety equipment for the crew.

After a bad storm has come and gone, you will not have time to wait around until the right time to remove the tree anymore . If a tree has fallen on your house, you need a tree professional to come right away.

Some of the common questions that homeowners ask are:

How do you even know if you have a hazardous tree in your backyard?

Sometimes you can just tell by looking at it that it needs to be taken down. You may see that there are long tree limbs that hang over your house, car port, or patio. This will be a good indication that your hazardous tree needs the help of a professional.

What Happens After You Hire Someone To Remove the Dangerous Limbs?

The tree service company that you hire will send a trained crew to your home to skillfully remove dangerous limbs and branches with various techniques. This should always be done with safety as a top priority. The crew that comes to remove the trees should be able to control where the dangerous branches fall when they are cut from the tree. This is all done in a controlled and safe manner.

Why Can’t I Do It Myself?

You should not attempt to remove the trees on your own. It is way too dangerous for the average person to remove
You can save money by hiring a tree removal company by removing the problem before it becomes an emergecny.

Can I save money from hiring a tree removal company?

It may seem counterintuitive to think that hiring a tree removal company will save you money. Homeowners have enough costs on their plate. Between home repairs & maintenance, paying the lawn guy to cut the grass, and your monthly utilities, it may seem like a low priority to think about the potential for property damage from trees. That is, until a big rain storm comes and all of a sudden, a large limb has broken off the tree and landed on your home. At this point, the damage is done and now you are in a situation where you need a professional to come quick.

Your homeowners insurance will typically cover the cost of removing the shrub or tree, however there is usually a cap of how much insurance will cover per tree or shrub. It’s important to get i touch with your insurance company regarding the storm damage as soon as possible. You also have to think about your insurance deductible. You may still have a substantial out of pocket expense from tree removal due to storm damage, more than the cost of just having the tree removed as a precaution..

Tree work is a calculated skill and risk combined. Hiring an experienced tree removal company is important to protect you and your property.

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Atlanta Eco Tree - 24/7 emergency tree removal

Contact Information

  • Address

    227 Sandy Springs Place, Suite D290
    Sandy Springs, GA 30328

  • Email

    atlantaecotree  @ gmail.com

  • Business Hours

    Monday - Saturday: 7:30AM - 7:30 PM

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